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Vaizdo įrašas.

Doing business in Estonia (vaizdo įrašas)

  • Trukmė: 4 ak. val.
  • Kaina: 120 €

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Vaizdo įrašo metu sužinosite:

Establishment of legal entity in Estonia. Taxation of profit and distribution of dividends.

  1. For entrepreneurs planning to start business in Estonia:

    You will learn what type of legal entity is most suitable for your business and how to set it up. We will give the answers to the questions like:

    • “Do I need an official contact person, if I’m not living in Estonia?”;
    • “Can I use foreign address for my company, if I don’t have one in Estonia?”;
    • “What’s the cost of establishment of company?”;
    • “Can everyone become e-resident and what it means?”;

    As well as any other you might have in relation to the company set-up in Estonia. In addition, we will give you the overview of corporate obligations and duties.

    You will also learn how the Estonian untraditional tax system works and could benefit your companies’ investments. You get insight how to delay the time of profit taxation and ensure your contributions to Estonian company are protected with tax-shield.

    For entrepreneurs doing business in Estonia:

    We will share our recent practice regarding what are the problematic tax areas to manage in order to avoid any unwelcome tax risks. Also, you will get answers to questions like “How to repay the historical contribution from Estonia tax effectively?” and “What are the main changes coming regarding profit taxation?”.

Hiring employees and employment tax. Selling goods, providing services and VAT. Latest Tax Updates in Estonia from 01.01.2024.

  1. For entrepreneurs planning to start business in Estonia:

    You will learn the basic regulation of Estonian Employment Contract Act and what to keep in mind when entering employment contract. Also, you will understand the difference between employee and management board member / managing director. We will discuss what are the main payroll tax obligations to employer in Estonia related to monetary compensation as well as to other incentives.

    We will give an overview of general terms and conditions used in sales and service agreements. You will learn about  VAT principles applicable when doing business domestically or internationally from Estonia.

  2. For entrepreneurs doing business in Estonia:

    We are highlighting most important tax changes effective from 01.01.2024 and also expected in the near future, including the increases of tax rates, reporting obligations and planned implementation of car tax.


Eneli Perolainen – Baltic Managing Director at Fondia

Eneli has more than 20 years of legal advisory experience from three different international business advisory firms, including over a decade of management experience supporting a team of advisors in both professional and personal development. In addition, she has extensive experience in both large multinational and small-scale mergers and acquisitions, restructurings and general corporate legal matters. ​

„My varied experience in professional advisory services, where I have also been exposed to tax, financial (including audit) and business advisory issues, has given me the ability to analyse challenges from different perspectives”.

Kaisa Borštšik – Senior Tax Advisor at Fondia

Kaisa has more than 10 years of tax field experience from Big4 audit advisory firm and also from Estonian Tax and Customs Board. She has led a team of tax auditors, offered tax expertise to financial audit teams, advised large and small to medium-sized groups with everyday business tax areas and compliance as well as reorganizations, mergers, acquisitions, restructurings.

“I prioritize being a partner to companies’ financial team to ensure that tax functions are managed in a way, that potential risk areas are identified at early stage to ensure your business could run seamlessly”.

Marit Saul – Senior Legal Counsel at Fondia Estonia

Marit has years of experience working from Corporate Advisor to Head of Legal roles in startups. As a Corporate Advisor she helped foreign entrepreneurs set up their legal entities in Estonia, apply for needed licenses and provided information and assistance with e-residency applications. In the startup sector she gained valuable insights into what businesses need to be compliant but grow and increase profit at the same time.

“My experience from working with business owners and founders has given me the ability to see the big picture behind the legal needs and having a business mindset while solving legal processes is a must to every business lawyer.”


4 ak. val. Seminaro trukmė


Kiekvienas mokymų dalyvis gauna el. pažymėjimą.

Atkreipiame dėmesį, jog įsigaliojus naujam FAĮ, AVNT parengė rekomendacijas, kuriomis turėtų vadovautis įmonių vadovai renkantis naują ar įvertinti esamą apskaitą tvarkantį asmenį. Jose yra akcentuojama tai, jog asmuo, kuris tvarko įmonės finansus, turi nuolat kelti kvalifikaciją įvairiuose seminaruose, kursuose ar profesiniuose mokymuose, kurių baigimą ar išklausymą patvirtina pažymėjimas, diplomas, sertifikatas, ar kitas dokumentas. Apskaitą tvarkantis asmuo turėtų siekti įgyvendinti mokymosi visą gyvenimą principą.

Be to, apskaitą tvarkantys asmenys turėtų ne tik išlaikyti aukštą kompetencijos lygį apskaitos, finansų, ataskaitų rengimo bei mokesčių srityse, bet taip pat būti susipažinę su informacinėmis technologijomis, duomenų analize ir valdymu. Tai yra būtina norint užtikrinti, kad įmonės finansinė ir mokestinė apskaita būtų tvarkoma efektyviai, kokybiškai ir atitiktų visus teisės aktų reikalavimus.

Įmonės vadovams svarbu sukurti palankias sąlygas savo apskaitos specialistams nuolat tobulėti ir gilinti savo žinias. Tai ne tik padeda užtikrinti sklandų ir teisingą apskaitos vedimą, bet ir yra esminė vadovo atsakomybės dalis, užtikrinanti įmonės finansinį stabilumą ir patikimumą.